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Contoh Soal Complex Sentence English 3

English 3
Materi:·         Berkaitan dengan penggunaan Complex SentenceSilahkan berlatih dengan latihan soal dibawah iniA Direction: choose the best answer to complete each sentence: (pilih 1 jawaban yang benar) 

1.       It is important that no one ____ to him.
a.       Says anything
b.      Say something

c.       Says  something
d.      Say anything

2.       Her employer demanded that she ___ to work on time
a.       got
b.      Came
c.       Comes
d.      get

3.       It is urgent that the police ___ about those strange phone calls.
a.       Not be  bought
b.      Do not buy
c.       Be bought

d.      Not buy

4.       It is essential that you ___ checks for more money than you have in your account.
a.       Do not write
b.      Not be written

c.       Not write
d.      Be written

5.       The committee suggested that everything ___ advance.
a.       Is prepared
b.      Prepares

c.       Preparing
d.      Not prepare

6.       Our awareness that what we think, say, and do ___ always right can make us prudent.
a.       Is not
b.      Are not
c.       Was not

d.      cannot

7.       Our concern was ___
a.       How much it would cost to us
b.      That it cost to us too much
c.       That it costs us too much
d.      How much it would cost us

8.       Knowing what has caused the problems and how we should deal with them ___ of great importance.

a.       Are
b.      Is
c.       It is

d.      It was

9.       His ideas about how the problems should be handled ___ good enough.
a.       Are
b.      Is

c.       was
d.      has been

10.   The committee must decide ___ next meeting.
a.       When should they have their
b.      When should it have its
c.       When they should have their
d.      When it should have its

11.   Send your orders to ___ will handle them best.
a.       Whomever you think
b.      Whomever do you think

c.       Whoever do you think
d.      Whoever you think

12.   ___ your motivation in process of learning English.
a.       What is important
b.      What important is
c.       What is important is
d.      The most important thing is that

13.   Whether or not they get the money___concerned with me.

a.       Are not
b.      Was not
c.       Were not
d.      Is not

14.   The person ___ the reports the office ___ my colleague.

a.       Who write---is
b.      Who wrote---were
c.       Who is writing---is
d.      Writing---is

15.   This is one of the programming languages ___ in the 1959s.
a.       Which was developed
b.      That has been developed
c.       Which have been developed
d.      Developed

16.   Will you give the name of the treasurer___ is trustworthy?

a.       Whom do you think
b.      Whom you think

c.       Who do you think
d.      Who you think

17.   Businessmen, ___ I hear, check on false advertisers do a good service.
a.       Whom
b.      Who

c.       Whomever
d.      Whose

18.   The house ___ broken ___ unoccupied.
a.       The windows of which is---is
b.      The windows of which is---are
c.       Of which the windows are---are
d.      Of which the windows are---is

19.    The street ___ a very busy one.

a.       Where our store is located are
b.      On which our store is located is
c.       Where our store is located

d.      On which our store are located is

20.   The tree, ___ almost bare now, ___ a very old one.
a.       Whose branches are---are
b.      Whose branches---
c.       The branches of which is---is
d.      Of which the branches are---is

 B Direction: Rewrite each clause in the following test items, and point out whether the clause is an Adjective    Clause, a Noun Clause, or an Adverbial Clause. (Tulis ulang kalimat dibawah ini dan identifikasi jenis klausa              dengan menggarisbawahinya serta sebutkan jenis klausa yang anda temukan) 

1.       Whoever wants to know how he could deal with such problems should consult an expert.
2.       Computers save whoever uses them a lot of time.
3.       We will soon let you know where you should deliver the merchandise.
4.       New York is where some of the largest brokerage firms are located.
5.       Their employer’s notion that whatever he does is right is very irritating to them.
6.       The employee who has the information that you require is out of the office.
7.       The process by which the decisions were made was very slow.
8.       The time sharing techniques, of which the multi programming is one, allow a number of users to share the resources of the computer concurrently. 

C Direction: combine each of the following sets of sentences into one complex sentence, containing adjective     clauses. (Gabungkan klausa2 berikut menjadi 1 kalimat dengan menggunakan adjective clause/klausa sifat) 
1.       The operating system is a collection of programs. which are utilized to direct all of the different activities. The computer carries out the activities.Jawaban :The operating system is a collection of programs. The programs are utilized to direct all of the different activities that The computer carries out 

2.       The two-letter zones indicate the country. The organization is located in the country. The organization owns the computer.The two-letter zones indicate the country. In which/where The organization that is located in the country. owns the computer. 

3.       A web browser is a program. Your computer runs the program to communicate with web servers on the Internet. The internet enables it to download and display the web pages. You request the web pages.A web browser is a program. Which Your computer runs the program to communicate with web servers on the Internet. The internet enables it to download and display the web pages. You request the web pages.  

4.       Computers communicate by using the internet protocol (IP). The computers are connected to the internet. The IP slices information into packets. The IP routes them to their destination.

5.       The programmer generally prepares a flowchart. His or her job is to code the program. The flowchart illustrates the logic of the program.

6.       The systems analyst is the data processing professional. His or her job is to design and develop all the systems. The systems will be used on a particular computer system.  

GOOD LUCK! Ohh iya,  Untuk nomor 4,5,6 saya belum bisa jawab.. Mungkin kalau ada yang bisa, mau membantu?


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