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Using Information Technology to Sideline Job

Hello everybody!
How you will use existing information technology effectively?
What information technology do you have?
Please give what you have, so I can discuss it for you.

As an example I will discuss about how to utilize facebook to sell bag, but this is not only to sell bag but also can to the other.

Before, I got this idea when I was studying in STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta. If you want to know about my campus, you can click here.

To start selling, of course you have to have a social media is facebook. If you do not have a facebook account then you must register in advance here.

For those who already have facebook, you should have a lot of friends. And especially need to make a facebook group with the group name you want. Then you send a request to all of your friends to join your group.

Maybe just some of your friends who want to join your group, but to start a business, even though there is only one prospect we should be able to maximal about this, and then make a good impression with him. Nahh,, to make a good impression it depends on the ability of each of us.

After getting a prospective customer, start by uploading bag photos or other. It would be better if you include where the bag was made, but does not include the value of the price of the bag. Why? Because if he likes the bag then he will contact you again, nahh,, that's when you make every effort to make him want to buy a bag from you. To do that, you must believe in yourself and do not make the customer's end the conversation at that time.

Thanks from me, for the rest you have to adjust it to your liking or to your taste. good luck,, bye, bye,,


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